How to make a complaint

We believe that all complaints, concerns, and compliments are valuable feedback. They help us to learn from your experiences and improve our services. We always share feedback with our team members.


How to complain about eMed 

  1. Let us know if you’re unhappy with our service. It’s best if you can do this at the time the issue takes place so that we can resolve it with you as soon as possible.
  2. You can contact our support team using the contact details below. Please write “Complaint” in the subject line of your email.


Contact details

Chat with us in the eMed app or by logging in online at

Email us at 


Investigating complaints

To help us investigate your complaint, please give us as much information as possible. Including:


We do our best to acknowledge all complaints within 3 working days.

We’ll investigate the complaint and send you our findings within 30 working days.

We’ll let you know our findings, including any changes we’ll make as a result of our investigation. 

If for any reason we cannot reply to you within 30 working days, we’ll do our best to let you know as soon as possible:


What to do if you’re not happy with our response

If you’re still not satisfied, you can ask for an internal appeal. Please do this within 20 working days from when you received your written response.

Please send us a clear, detailed description of your complaint in writing, and explain why you were not satisfied with our original response. 

Your complaint will then enter the second stage of our process. 


How to complain to ISCAS

If you’re unhappy with the result of your complaint from this practice you can appeal to the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS). ISCAS adjudication is only designed to be used once all stages of the complaints process have been exhausted.

Address: Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service, 100 St Paul’s Churchyard, London, EC4M 8BU

Telephone: 020 7536 6091 




How to complain for someone else

If you want to complain on behalf of someone else, we need to know that you have the patient’s permission to do so. We’ll need a note in writing from them unless they’re unable to provide one due to illness or disability. 

We’ll send this consent form to the patient when we receive the complaint.

The patient will have 20 working days from when they receive the consent form to give their consent.